

The lessons we use are produced by Bible Education Services.

Levels 0 and 1

Level 1 LessonThese levels introduce the idea of Bible study for the very young and are designed for younger children. Basic Bible stories are told simply and there are one or two easy exercises to do in each lesson e.g. colouring, circling answers, etc. Level 0 may have a single word to write. The stories should be read to the children. All the information needed to complete the tasks is to be found in the lesson.
Level 0 is suitable for preschoolers of 3 and up.
Level 1 is generally suitable for 5-7 year olds

Level 2

Level 2 LessonThe syllabus for the Level 2 is almost the same as the Level 1, in the subject matter. It is however, covered in greater depth, and the lessons have more answers to be completed. Level 2 is suitable for an approximate age range of 7-9 years. The lessons are kept simple so that they will be understood, and easily completed. This grade introduces the concept of the 'Key Verse'. This is a verse, which is highlighted in the lesson and can be memorized by the child.

Level 3

Level 3 LessonThose who progress from Level 2 to Level 3 will find the studies more challenging in every way. Students are required to read the Bible passage, which is given at the head of each lesson. The lessons at this level ask questions which cannot be answered without reference to the Bible. This level, ensures that the student will develop the practice of searching the Bible for the appropriate answers. Over 40 different ways of asking questions have been used. Level 3 is for those aged approximately 10-12 years old.

Level 4

Level 4 LessonThe Level 4 lessons has been developed with teenagers in mind. Those doing these studies are usually 13 years of age, or over. In order to complete the lessons there is a need to read more of the Scriptures and to search them in greater depth. As a result the lessons learned are of real value to young people, and provide genuine help for daily life. Each study has a 'Suggested Further Reading' section, for the interested student who wishes to delve further into God's Word on his/her own.


New Life LessonNewLife lessons are aimed at young Christians and are grouped into studies on various subjects, rather than on Bible stories. They are for those who are interested in studying the Bible for themselves. The NewLife lessons are not sent monthly, but are sent as and when a lesson is returned, (up to 1 per month.)

For further information about BES and the lesson please visit www.BESweb.com